This is a general call for webtexts for
Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy. Kairos welcomes contributions from scholars pursuing a wide variety of digital issues and approaches from theory to praxis in our Topoi, Praxis, Reviews, and Interviews sections.
Kairos publishes "webtexts," which means projects developed with specific attention to the World Wide Web as a publishing medium. We do not suggest an ideal standard; rather we invite each author or collaborative writing team to think carefully about what unique opportunities the Web offers. Some projects may best be presented in hypertextual form or in multimedia.
The journal's editorial process is one of the most unique aspects of publishing with
Kairos. For the Topoi section, the review process includes three tiers: review by the editors, collaborative review by the editorial board, and one-on-one mentoring by the editors for third-stage texts in need of revision.
For all other journal sections, the editorial process includes review by editorial staff to determine the quality and appropriateness of the submission for publication in
Kairos and then a thorough review by editorial board members assigned to the section
For more information, please see our